Food for Thought


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service & Bible Blast | Wednesday - 7PM Prayer & Praise

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Faith over Fear

by: Gene Ziesel



Good morning,

I’m back at it in the gym this morning and now with my writing. The church I pastor has heard me speak about change from the very beginning. While we don’t alter our doctrine, our methods can and should change over time.

You’ve probably heard it said that life has three certainties: death, taxes, and change. While many people have accepted the first two, most struggle with the third—change. We often settle into a comfortable routine, and the fear of chan

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Two Moral Paths

by: Gene Ziesel



Good morning,

The psalmists repeatedly remind us that God's mercy endures forever. However, there is a prerequisite for receiving His great mercy: it is reserved for those who delight in the Law of the Lord and seek to avoid the path of the wicked.

Psalm 1 vividly describes two moral paths we can take. Psalm 1:1 states:


"Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers."

This verse outlines

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Together for Worship

by: Gene Ziesel



Good morning everyone.

Beyond our belief in God's omnipresence (cf. Psalm 139:8-10), we often overlook His presence in community. In Matthew 18:19-20, we read: “19 Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”

Unfortunately, many believers are neglecting the importance of gathering together in a local assembly. In my humb

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Rush Hour

by: Gene Ziesel



Good morning! We’ve just passed hump day and are on the downward slide to the weekend. I hope you’ve been preparing yourself all week to gather with God’s children to worship the Lord in unity. We invite you to worship with us at Calvary Baptist if you don’t already have a church home in Oceanport, NJ. Everyone is welcome!

As you head out today, you might encounter rush hour, especially in larger cities. Rushing isn’t just for the road; it seems as soon as I get out of be

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Strike Back

by: Gene Ziesel



Good morning, 

If you’re anything like me (let’s hope not), you've probably faced situations where your initial reaction wasn’t the best one. For example, when a reckless driver suddenly cuts in front of you, forcing you to slam on the brakes while hoping that the car behind you doesn’t collide with you. Or when your boss takes all the credit for your ideas and hard work. These scenarios occur frequently, and if we're honest, we often feel the urge to strike back!

I’m gr

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Good Morning Lord

by: Gene Ziesel



Good morning,Many of you have either experienced or seen in movies a drill instructor gently waking recruits from their night of rest. However, most of us now wake up to an alarm clock rather than the crowing of a rooster in the barnyard or a gentle nudge from a drill instructor! All three of these scenarios involve receiving a wake-up call. The apostle Peter experienced a wake-up call when a rooster crowed during the early morning hours of Jesus’ crucifixion. His awakenin

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The Praying Husband

by: Gene Ziesel



Good morning, saints of God. Over the next two days, I will be focusing on us husbands. Let’s dive in.In Genesis 25:21, we read, "And Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife, because she was barren. And the Lord granted his prayer, and Rebekah his wife conceived."What can we husbands and soon-to-be husbands learn from this one verse? The key takeaway is that a praying husband intercedes for his wife. He earnestly seeks the Lord on behalf of what troubles her. Prayer is one o

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by: Gene Ziesel



Good Sunday morning! Let’s do our best to gather with the Lord’s children as we worship Him in unified praise. If you are in the area and don’t have a church home, we would love to have you join us at Calvary Baptist Church, located at 1305 Eatontown Blvd, Oceanport, NJ. Our service begins at 10 AM. Now, here is some Food for Thought.

This morning, I woke up to the news of a fellow brother in Christ who has passed away. Brother Brunk lived a long life and raised an incred

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Can you hear?

by: Gene Ziesel



It’s Saturday, and my Food for Thought today will be brief, as I’m sure you have wonderful plans for the day.

Most of us live busy lives, and this can be especially true for those who are retired. In the midst of our busyness, we often overlook the presence of God in our daily lives. We can become so focused on the tasks at hand that we fail to hear His voice, missing out on His grace and guidance in our current situations. How often have you found yourself asking, “Who w

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The Big Picture

by: Gene Ziesel



Good morning, friends!

In both ministry and business, I've frequently heard the question, "What’s the bigger picture?" I came across the following story during a time when the world was in turmoil. To be honest, we have been in a battle since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, but that’s a topic for another time. During World War II, thousands of workers in factories across the United States were involved in the production of parachutes. From the workers' perspective,

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Precious in God's Eye's

by: Gene Ziesel



Good morning, saints. One of the skits I remember Dana Carvey performing on Saturday Night Live was the Church Lady. I always looked forward to his character's comment, "Well, isn't that precious?" (I see you smiling.)If you have placed your faith in the Lord Jesus as your Savior, you are precious. Isaiah 43:4 states, “Because you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you…” There is a story about a young lady who volunteered at a church ministry, serving the poo

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Turn Your Headlights On

by: Gene Ziesel



Good morning, friends. Every morning that I head out to the gym, I turn on my headlights. In fact, most cars now have their headlights automatically turned on, even during the day.

The Psalmist states in Psalm 119:105 these famous words: 105 YOUR WORD IS A LAMP TO MY FEET AND A LIGHT TO MY PATH.

I read a story about a woman who confided in a friend about her confusion and hesitation regarding an important life decision she was facing. Although she identified as a followe

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Morning Has Broken

by: Gene Ziesel



Good morning, saints of God. Today, let’s start at the very beginning, shall we? Have you ever considered what the very first morning for Adam and Eve was like? Imagine what they must have seen for the first time: a beautiful garden filled with vibrant colors, a creation free from turmoil, weeds, or thorns. WOW, just WOW!

It all began with the first five words of the Bible: “In the beginning, God created…” For all my former hippie friends, there is a beautiful hymn writte

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Good Morning God

by: Gene Ziesel



Greetings this early Monday morning,

The Psalmist writes in Psalm 121:1-4, “I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?     2  My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” 

You slept through the night while God watched over you. Although the sun has yet to rise, He has been waiting for you to wake up and st

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Food for Thought

by: Gene Ziesel



Good Sunday morning! I hope you have plans to worship with God’s people today. If you are in the area and looking for a church home, we would love for you to visit us at Calvary Baptist Church, located at 1305 Eatontown Blvd, Oceanport, NJ. Our service begins at 10 a.m. Now, let’s move on to our Food for Thought!

We are continuing through the Love chapter of 1 Corinthians 13. Today, we’ve reached verse 8a: “Love never ends.” The Greek word for "ends" is "pipto," which liter

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